Potomac Valley Track Club / NVA Track Club indoor track meet
Thomas Jefferson Community Center, Arlington VA
Sunday, December 22, 2024
  • Meet director Jay Jacob Wind thanks all the volunteers: Craig Chasse, Keg Good, Penny Ingles, Art Klein, Abdelillah Razah, James Scarborough, Uchenna Onuzulike, Jeff Young, and all the coaches and parents who assisted including NVA Track, Bethesda Track Club, DC Hawks, and many other clubs
  • How nice to be indoors on a winter's day in a deep and dark December
  • As advertised, we collected results cards for the longer races but recorded all the finish times (but not the 55m)
  • Send additions and corrections

  • Big news! Reserve the dates! We have now scheduled two more indoor track meets:
            • Inauguration Weekend Track Meet, Sunday, January 19, 2025, conducted by NVA Track Club
            • Valentine's Day Track Meet, Sunday, February 16, 2025, conducted by NVA and PVTC
            • Both with Fully-Automatic Timing (FAT)! In about one week, registration for both meets will be at www.pvtc.org/indoor.php and www.nvatrack.com
                       Potomac Valley Track Club / NVA Track Club indoor track meet
                       Thomas Jefferson Community Center, Arlington VA
                       Sunday, December 22, 2024
       Time       ##   Event and Name                  G      Age   City State
      ------      --   --------------------------      -      ---   ----------------
                       800 Meter Race Walk
      7:53.1      1    Penny Ingles                    F       48   Arlington VA
                       ==========================      =      ===   ========================
                       1500 Meter Race Walk
      11:07.5     1    Tom Augustine                   M       74   Woodbridge VA
      11:54.9     2    Terry McLaughlin                M       64   Spotsylvania VA
                       ==========================      =      ===   ========================
                       3000 Meter Race Walk
      19:23.6     1    Craig Chasse                    M       55   Reston VA
      22:31.1     2    Keg Good                        F       67   Woodbridge VA
                       ==========================      =      ===   ========================
                       One Mile Heat 1
      6:23.1      1    Terry McLaughlin                M       64   Spotsylvania VA
      6:27.7      2
      6:35.7      3
      6:35.9      4
      7:00.2      5    James Harlow                    M       13   Washington DC
      7:05.7      6    Alex Pollack                    M       10   Arlington VA
      7:13.0      7    Tucker McNulty                  M       9    Bethesda Track Club
      7:13.1      8
      7:17.5      9    Preppy Pepe                     M       62   Philadelphia, PA
      7:31.6      10
      7:54.2      11   Ted Poulos                      M       63   McLean VA
      8:08.0      12   Mary Lowe Mayhugh               F       68   Washington DC
      8:12.4      13   Tafsis Thiam                    M       9    Washington DC
      8:37.4      14   Richard Ruozzi                  M       72   Singers Glen VA
                       ==========================      =      ===   ========================
                       One Mile Heat 2
      5:25.0      1
      5:27.1      2
      5:44.1      3    Holden Consentino               M       14   Washington DC
      5:58.6      4    Grant Gregory                   M       14   NVA Track Club
      6:00.7      5
      6:38.5      6
      6:39.8      7
      6:40.5      8    Yuko Whitestone                 F       52   Springfield VA
      6:51.8      9
      6:58.4      10   Sebastian Ellery                M       10   Hanover MD
      7:06.2      11   Avery Hatcher                   F       14   NVA Track
      7:24.3      12   Emma Cappelloni                 F       15   Bethesda Track Club
      7:30.9      13
      7:43.9      14
      8:11.1      15   James Scarborough               M       66   McLean VA
                       ==========================      =      ===   ========================
                       One Mile Heat 3
      5:31.8      1    Michael Bylund                  M       36   Falls Church VA
      5:37.4      2
      5:43.9      3    Jon Jenkerson                   M       42   Woodbridge VA
      5:51.5      4    Isaac Carl Stevens              M       28   Silver Spring MD
      5:59.0      5    Alex Cano                       M       42   Alexandria VA
      6:24.0      6    David Phillips                  M       62   Arlington VA
      6:44.7      7    Eric London                     M       60   Bethesda MD
      7:07.2      8    Jeff Farr                       M       62   Vienna VA
      7:10.1      9    Nitin Panwar                    M       32   Arlngton VA
                       ==========================      =      ===   ========================
                       400 Meter
      1:27.0      1    Jeff Farr                       M       62   Vienna VA
                       ==========================      =      ===   ========================
                       800 Meter Heat 1
      3:18.6      1
      3:22.8      2
      3:26.0      3
      3:26.2      4
      3:28.9      5
      4:13.2      6
                       ==========================      =      ===   ========================
                       800 Meter Heat 2
      3:05.2      1
      3:05.4      2
      3:11.6      3
      3:14.1      4
      3:14.3      5
      3:14.4      6
      3:27.9      7
      3:43.4      8
                       ==========================      =      ===   ========================
                       800 Meter Heat 3
      2:49.1      1
      2:53.7      2
      3:07.0      3
      3:12.0      4
      3:12.6      5
      3:28.1      6
      3:36.0      7
      3:42.6      8
      2:50.5      9
      3:09.4      10
      3:10.1      11
      3:12.9      12
      3:16.1      13
      3:18.2      14
                       ==========================      =      ===   ========================
                       800 Meter Heat 4
      2:23.9      1
      2:25.4      2
      2:25.5      3
      2:35.8      4    Holden Consentino               M       14   Washington DC
      2:41.1      5
      2:43.9      6    Isaac Carl Stevens              M       28   Silver Spring MD
      2:48.6      7
      3:07.8      8    David Phillips                  M       62   Arlington VA
      3:17.1      9
      3:28.0      10   Preppy Pepe                     M       62   Philadelphia, PA
      3:29.8      11
      3:42.6      12   Richard Ruozzi                  M       72   Singers Glen VA
                       ==========================      =      ===   ========================
                       200 Meter Heat 1
      0:31.3      1
      0:32.3      2
      0:33.0      3
      0:33.8      4
      0:35.0      5
      0:35.3      6
                       ==========================      =      ===   ========================
                       200 Meter Heat 2
      0:32.1      1
      0:32.6      2
      0:33.9      3
      0:34.1      4
      0:35.6      5
      0:37.6      6
                       ==========================      =      ===   ========================
                       200 Meter Heat 3
      0:26.7      1
      0:41.7      2
      0:42.3      3
      0:42.7      4
      0:59.1      5
                       ==========================      =      ===   ========================
                       3000 Meter
      10:16.3     1    Jackson Campbell                M       30   Arlington VA
      11:26.0     2    Raffaele Simpson                M       40   Bowie MD
      13:44.0     3    Pamela Ricker                   F       60   Westfield NJ
      14:26.6     4    Terry McLaughlin                M       64   Spotsylvania VA
      14:39.0     5    James Harlow                    M       13   Washington DC
      14:57.1     6    Ted Poulos                      M       63   McLean VA
      15:43.1     7    James Scarborough               M       66   McLean VA