PVTC Young Flyers
Track & Field training for Students in 1st to 8th grade
- Sundays, 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM, October 6 to December 8, 2024
- One hour of high intensity training
- Limited to the first 50 entries
- Enter on-line | Jump directly to registration | Enter by mail PDF Form or Word Form
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Non-PVTC member families
- $70 on or before September 14
- $80 on or before October 5
- $90 thereafter online, $100 on-site
PVTC member families
- $60 on or before September 14
- $70 on or before October 5
- $80 thereafter online, $90 on-site
Outdoors on paved trail: Sundays, October 6, 13, 20, & 27; November 3, 10, 17 & 24; December 1 & 8
Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 3501 2nd Street South, Arlington VA
Arlington Blvd. (US 50), south on Irving St. (east of Glebe), west on 2nd St., entrance on right.
Daily schedule
- 2:50-2:55 PM: Meet outside Door #12, check in and pick up name tag
- 3:00 PM: Circle Time I: Warm-ups, stretching and strengthening exercises, coach-prepared lecture
- Equipment
- Training Plan
- Physiology
- Nutrition
- 3:20 PM: Break into groups:
- Grade K-1-2: 50-100 meters
- Grade 3-4-5: 200-400 meters
- Grade 6-7-8: 800m-one mile
- All at any time in the program: race walk, advanced sprint, advanced distance, shot put, turbo-javelin
- 4:00 PM: Recovery: Refreshments courtesy of parents
- PVTC pays its youth track coaches $100 per season for the 10 weekly sessions
- We want about five coaches for each season
- To qualify, you must
- Be a PVTC member
- Be a USATF member
- Pass USATF'a background check
- Pass USATF's SafeSport certification
- Based on need, PVTC will subsidize part or all of those fees
- Please let us know by August 31, 2024, if you are interested in our coaching positions
What you get!
- Get the best out of yourself
- Discover your abilities
- Run and walk fast, throw far
- Stretch to increase flexibility and prevent injury
- Build strength, endurance, and speed
- Learn to improve nutrition and health
- Follow well-establish skills progressions
- Adults and parents may join as volunteer coaches and get a really good workout running with the young athletes
- High school students may join us as assistant coaches, and we write letters of recommendation for college applications and job hunts
- Train with experienced coaches: including Jim Darr, Art Klein, Uchenna Onozuluke, Betsy Peace, Abdelillah Razah, Feru Dadi Wake (formerly Ethiopian national track coach), Jay Jacob Wind
- Conducted by Potomac Valley Track Club in co-operation with Arlington County Department of Parks, Recreation, and Community Resources
- We follow the safety guidelines of Arlington County
- Financial aid is available. All you have to do is ask.
- We want this program to be as affordable to everyone as possible
Write to us at pvtcsecretary@gmail.com or call Coach Jay at 703-505-3567